When investing your money, you want to ensure you make the most reliable choice. Without a doubt, that choice is real estate. If you’ve read our blog on the benefits of owning turnkey rentals, you know just how profitable and safe turnkey and rehab investing can be. But many wonder what makes real estate safer… Read more »
Category: passive cash flow
Benefits of Owning Turnkey Rentals
Whether it’s your first or your tenth time, the benefits of owning a turnkey rental property are always abundant. Having passive cash flow is what mainly draws people in; however, many other benefits turn one-time investors into investors with multiple properties and streams of passive income. Owning a turnkey rental property amasses many benefits, but below are… Read more »
How COVID Impacted The Market
The years after COVID provided us valuable insight into economical trends. Aside from the ever-long supply chain issues, other economical trends, particularly in the housing market, happened as a result. As people began to adjust and consider their wants and needs, the housing market, at first, took some hits- however, as things began to even… Read more »
All About Passive Cash Flow
With more and more people talking about passive income, we go through what that means, and the best way to begin your journey with it!